Stanislav Petrov saved the world

Stanislav Petrov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOn this day, in 1983, the end of the world was almost accidentally triggered.Stanislav Petrov chose to consider that it was highly illogical that just 5 missiles should be detected by new satellite detection systems when ground radar picked up nothing (in tense ensuing minutes). Instead of triggering a …

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Bill Clinton on the Daily Show

Clinton's main point toward the end of this friendly interview is how pork barrel politics - election fundraising activity is depriving the future leaders of sleep - and makes a case for public funding of campaigns.It would make sense - where the Republicans have huge contributions from Halliburton and Diebold to their election efforts - …

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Iraq Expels Blackwater Security

Iraq Expels American Security Firm | World Latest | Guardian UnlimitedThe Iraqi government sits up and pays attention. A military contractor Blackwater is in Iraq on protection detail to protect diplomatic personnel in Iraq. In one operation, eight Iraqi were shot after a car bomb attack. This presents a major problem to American negotiation efforts. …

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Challenge to Scientific Consensus on Global Warming

Challenge to Scientific Consensus on Global Warming: Analysis Finds Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears - Press Release"Global Warming" (and cooling) has always been a natural process! So are the natural processes that excessive pollution threaten to upset. What about the scale of extinctions since the industrial age started to …

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