Evil Men do nothing. Real Evil Men do nothing while causing destruction. Nero was the first political Real Evil Man – famously fiddling while Rome burned. Inaction is worse in leadership than mistakes. Real Evil Men do not just make mistakes, they believe in them.
The entire world is at risk from war, from pollution and from inaction. The USA, China and India are causing a large percentage of the pollution. For them to manipulate the “negotiations” at Bali means that they are still putting their economic clout ahead of the health of humanity. Climate change is not the end of the world. It is the destabilization of weather. It is the destruction of the works of nature or God depending on how you think as habitats for creatures are wiped out. It is destruction of humanity as communities suffer terrible droughts and floods.
There is not much we can do to “fix it” so why bother doing anything? It is like letting children play on the roads because each time you ask them to come inside they gang up on you and stick their tongues out at you.
It is a question of greed. Greed means taking something for yourself.