Photographic evidence of over population.
Category: population control
Bay of Bengal Delta
Living on a river delta is indeed precarious and the probable results of climate change would progressively add to the effect of wind and current as the sea level start to flood the delta, presently home to 100 million people, a mass migration into central Asia could trigger all sorts of events. How long until …
The Real Economic Crisis
Population growth is the core disturbing trend that can only get more intense and unsolvable as religious belief and economic priorities define our politics. Our brains quiver at the figures presented in the EU and the USA of debt mountains that appear increasingly insurmountable. We forget that we are barking at the moon, criticising the …
China’s inverse bubble
A population constriction, when the population is forcibly reduced by war, disease or policy requires a different set of release valves than a growing economy. Instead of inflation vs interest rates, it is deflation sets in because decreasing numbers of people create demand, in other words nobody is there to buy things. It is hard …