The UK Covid strategy has been led by hesitancy and populism rather than an understanding of the long term effects of early action, creating space for the NHS to breathe. And now the ex-head of the Covid Strategy task force is asserting more nonsense suggesting that the mass vaccination programme should be abandoned in favour …
Category: Covid-19

Incredibly sad, extraordinary incompetence

The Covid Economy
It is not the virus vs the economy. That ridiculous idea has guided the USA and UK into the most unnecessary deaths. Italy was hit without any real precedent except China who controlled the virus after trying to suppress information at first, they locked down severely and halted its inexorable exponential climb up graphs. Italy …

“They’re dying … it is what it is”
What is the difference between an Elephant and a Swan? Is this something that Trump think's he has aced, on his dementia test? Yes, he can point at an elephant but in his Axios interview with Jonathan Swan, he demonstrated that he is prepared to filter statistics to tell a story to show how good …

Beyond Belief
In badly affected US Southern States students have been holding Coronavirus Parties with a cash prize for the first person to test positive for the virus. These grim 'parties' invite or are hosted by a person who has tested positive. Why? Apparently due to ideas that the virus is fake, a conspiracy, a plot or …

Magical Thinking
Mathematics is concerned most often with certainties. If x plus y equals z, then 2x plus y equals zx. That sort of thinking is not arrogant, it is simply one way or the other. Magical thinking believes that given a few little tweeks you can make 2+2 equal what the hell you want it to …

The Origin of Covid-19
Photo by CDC on Here we go, Mike Pompeo asserts that the virus 'originated' in the Wuhan laboratory, who deny that they have ever sequenced the virus before the outbreak. America is trying to undo the Chinese Communist Party rule by inviting Taiwan to a WHO body, and China may be ramping up its …

Lies and Statistics
Trump is guilty of misrepresenting the truth, within 24 hours he tries to fool people by saying he was being sarcastic to the media when saying people could take disinfectant into the lungs, when, clearly and obviously he was not. He appeared earnestly serious, trying to be 'the man' who 'found the cure' by suggesting …

Cruelty rebounds
The Danger of Polarisation
The middle ground offers the least amount of danger, overall. Total lockdown has to be temporary. It is analogous to repairing a car, you have to turn the engine off. But to drive the car, you have to have a running motor. Too rapid or even total exposure would overwhelm our health systems, fill hospitals …