Post Democracy

Democracy does not work. Never did.Democracy is intended to limit power and stop demagoguery. Then populism activated prejudice in the "silent majority" and propaganda promoted ideas that are simply untrue. By gaining democratic agreement with ideas that benefit corporation and the very wealthy, the majority are choosing structural change that does not benefit them because …

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US Election Outcome Calculator

Predict the result with the Electoral College built in, courtesy of the FT. Our prediction based on - well we are guessing - is Trump 234, Biden 304. Assumptions are no Democrat to Republican losses, the states that Trump won with small margins in 2016 return to Democrat, solid red states stay with Trump except …

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America needs a new hero

America used to be the bastion of democracy and freedom. No more. The actions of the Republicans are not merely hypocrisy. It is not just politics. It is the destruction of the American ideal, the dream of freedom and progress that inspired the world of the twentieth century after Hitler and Stalin and Mao explored …

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The Covid Economy

It is not the virus vs the economy. That ridiculous idea has guided the USA and UK into the most unnecessary deaths. Italy was hit without any real precedent except China who controlled the virus after trying to suppress information at first, they locked down severely and halted its inexorable exponential climb up graphs. Italy …

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“They’re dying … it is what it is”

What is the difference between an Elephant and a Swan? Is this something that Trump think's he has aced, on his dementia test? Yes, he can point at an elephant but in his Axios interview with Jonathan Swan, he demonstrated that he is prepared to filter statistics to tell a story to show how good …

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Desperate Measures Trump

Donald Trump is taking desperate measures to 'fire up the base', from using Covid-19 Briefings as a political platform, illegally invading states with federal troops - basically declaring a civil war against the constitutional protections, and trying to convince people that he has 'mental acuity' by passing a dementia screening test with 'flying colors', to …

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i voted sticker lot

Presidential Election 2020 Predictions

The odds that Donald J. Trump will win the November election is no longer a certainty. In trying to predict the winner in November there are factors that are influential and factors that were influential. Influential Factors affecting predictions Covid-19 affects the 2020 Presidential Election Appeal to the baseBlack Lives MatterCovid-19 infections rateDeaths of Americans …

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The American Constitution

It always seems to me that those American Colonialists were war criminals and then slavers who justified their horrific acts with a sanctified constitution that is worshipped slightly ahead of God. Those words scribbled by old men who won a war became a document that sets laws to justify automatic weapons being used on schoolchildren …

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