The need for people to assert their ideas and own the consequences is invested in monumental sculpture as the preservation of memory is the stamp on history. Deep in our inner-child the need to be ahead of others can assert itself, core beliefs lead to a sense of oneness with a tradition of thinking. There …
Category: 2012 US Election
The US Presidential Election
Obama need do nothing. The Republicans may run out of feet to shoot themselves, but let's hope it does not go downhill from there. It is painful to watch Romney having to discourage a Senator from standing due to the rather radically evil views he has expressed about women. America remains the most significant economic …
Evil Nonsense
Todd Aitken must go. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri who is running against Sen. Claire McCaskill, justified his opposition to abortion rights even in case of rape with a claim that victims of “legitimate rape” have unnamed biological defenses that prevent pregnancy. “First of all, from what I understand from …
Ron Paul Campaign
Wonderful bizarre and appealing to 3D movie junkies and gamers everywhere, Ron Paul, the animation?
The Republican End Game
The Republican "end game" would be everything owned by big corporations not necessarily aligned with nations as entities but freely enriching shareholders from anywhere avoiding tax as their earnings are processed where there are no taxes. If these mega corporations are able to employ everyone for a pittance then we are buying into a return …
To Withdraw or not?
Reading the full Bush commentary rather than just sound bites - makes one appreciate how good his speech writers are to be able to frame American war involvement only against the "end game" risk factors. It is revealing that the Bush logic is based on a novel. America walked into Iraq and created havoc. Why? …
The End Game
While George Bush is under general anesthetic - if Cheney had a medical emergency with one of his quadruple bypasses or Lipitor scheduling error, and Bush did not wake up for a while, we would have an America firmly out of the control of Republicans. Would that mean that any change of direction may occur …