Leaders define their country. Democracy is an effort to find leaders who are defined by their country. It sometimes works, not always. Dictators destroy their country. Putin is a complex beast as he pretends to be democratic but killing all those that oppose you is a sign of dictatorship in desperation. Biden is a simple …
Category: empire
World at war?
John Pilger is both a respected journalist and a bit of an alarmist. And what is wrong with alarm in today's world where American influence stamps all over alternative values. After the binary division of the world that was the Cold War, The New American Century's New World Order briefly reigned. It seems that the …
Securitisation – do we understand?
When taxpayers paid hundreds of billions to bail out banks, we were never told in reality what we were investing in. The scale of the problem created by securitisation could mean problems for decades if we do not revise basic principals of what is economically efficient and what is fantasy. Would it be correct to …
Corpse Bridges
The war on terror and the 77,000 unrepaired bridges across the USA are coming from the same basic problem. Infrastructure maintenance in the case of the bridges, and attention to detail with diplomacy both require strategic forward planning that was immature but advancing in the Clinton years and stopped without reason during the early Bush …