It feels strange to have nostalgia for the times of GW Bush, but Trump has make President GW Bush into a soft of folksy hero, and a re-evaluation of his time in the White House and his own sense of self-effacing humour contrasts sharply with the humourless, narcissistic approach we have become used to. Take …
Category: political narrative
Right vs Left arguments
Why do we comment in political columns? It may be necessary. Democracy depends on well framed usually moderate arguments that sway people rather than extreme arguments that insult intellect and isolate ideas. A fine tipped right wing refutation of an unconvincing left wing assumption makes this interesting. It is worth wading through all the trolling …
Republican Lies
The Republicans are running with Romney and Ryan. After a lame introduction by Clint Eastwood - Romney gave a speech that has been noted for being fairly lacklustre. And what about the presumptive VP nominee Paul Ryan. He seems to be just there for the 1% and tells lies to the rest of us. Read …
Tax Avoidance
The UK Prime Minister David Cameron takes time to criticise entertainer Jimmy Carr for putting £3.3N through a tax shelter scheme - one that may yet be undone. Carr made headlines as he has satirised the banks and tax avoidance as a comedian. At least Jimmy Carr creates laughter. Perhaps he will make a big …
Economics and Politics
So many convoluted answers and the likelihood is that those we elect into power will have none of it. The real answer is simple enough. The tax payer bailed out the banks, and now there is not enough cash in the system to stimulate demand. When we have demand we buy the stuff that is …
The Agenda Setting Edge
On a MB (Message Board) on The Agonist - one of the best blogs in the business:"I meant Trade Center Bombing 1993, first year of Clinton in office same as 2001 for Bush. I think Al Qaeda likes first term Presidents, a point of weakness before they get their bearings."Perhaps that is the pattern and …