Democracy does not work. Never did.Democracy is intended to limit power and stop demagoguery. Then populism activated prejudice in the "silent majority" and propaganda promoted ideas that are simply untrue. By gaining democratic agreement with ideas that benefit corporation and the very wealthy, the majority are choosing structural change that does not benefit them because …
Category: political responsibility
Dominic Cummings
In The Guardian, Dominic Cummings' views from 2014 are explored that he thought it highly likely that generic engineering would enable the selection of the highest IQ from a range of fertilised ova, and this ability should be extended on the NHS so as not to breed a race of super-intelligent offspring exclusively for the …
Italian Left Lurch
Twenty five percent of the vote in Italy went to a party that want an exit from the EU and a return of the Lira. The Monetary Madness continues apace. When a country could inflate away its debts and then revalue again after it had cleared its path back to being an attractive place to …
Tax Avoidance
The UK Prime Minister David Cameron takes time to criticise entertainer Jimmy Carr for putting £3.3N through a tax shelter scheme - one that may yet be undone. Carr made headlines as he has satirised the banks and tax avoidance as a comedian. At least Jimmy Carr creates laughter. Perhaps he will make a big …
Union of Europe – prediction
On October 26 Disturbing Trends predicted Europe is to become more of a financial union - except for the UK - the only state to opt out of this mutual arrangement. On one hand we have 27 countries agreeing that there is a solution in unity, and on the other protecting London's financial influence and …
Politics and the Media
With the wilful demise of The News of the World, we have witnessed the worst catastrophe in journalism's history. With it comes the mass rejection of malign journalism. That is the line we must draw. The Murdoch brand may be damaged beyond comprehension. Any Government that is cavalier enough to approve BSkyB will be remembered …
Obama’s Response
When a flaw in the protective shield that makes airflight possible (without holding your breath) exposed American flights a new kind of designer suicide bomber with a chemistry set to be set off by an "emergency injection", the media in the UK highlighted how detailed scanners would fail to show such a kit but would …