microscopic shot of a virus

Covid – failures of the Tory Government

Read what Michael Rosen writes about Covid. Feel the rage that the Tory Government not only mishandled the pandemic outbreak deliberately but that the expiring PM Boris Johnson trumpets his achievements. We all got very angry to discover he was lying about his parties during lockdown as his constituents were dying and not even able …

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Another attack on the US Capitol, this time by a single terriorist in a car with a knife attacking police https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/02/us-capitol-lockdown bears remarkable similarities to the pointless but disturbing attack on the UK Houses of Parliament in 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_London_Bridge_attack. Both were suicide missions, both involved an attack that was aimed at the police and both …

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Conservative Decay

Trump, Bolsonaro and Johnson are undermining the political philosophy of conservatism. By seeking populism and a constituency of idiocy because 'public opinion' that follows the proportionality of a bell-shaped curve can match policy to mad conspiracy theories (philosophy for idiots) and manipulating people to capture votes with false promise, empty rhetoric and self-interest. Undermining conservatism …

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How Immigration has helped Germany

In 2015 Germany opened its borders to a million refugees. Angela Merkel suffered criticism from the Right who disagreed. By 2017, there was a prevalent view that Wir schaffen das would be Merkel’s undoing, a “catastrophic mistake” as Donald Trump said in January that year. “The worst decision a European leader has made in modern times,” Nigel …

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cloudy big ben london

Does this Government work?

The UK Government hesitated deliberately before applying the lockdown rules that were being applied already by citizens, businesses and sports organisations. It was as though Boris Johnson did not want to be left behind, because there he was shaking hands of victims to establish his own immunity because in the long run, that gives him …

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