Updates Article published 13 March 2014 1030GMT Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 that has disappeared, could be suspected causing engine status update blips for four hours after the flight cut all contact with the ground. Are we seeing, once again the signs of a 9/11 style event being prepared for by stealing airliners, probably murdering the …
Category: Taliban
Iran and the Taleban
Iran warns of a crushing response if US drone aircraft were in Iran's airspace and have shot one down. Recently, NATO made a terrible mistake and attacked Pakistan forces in the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It seems logical that the US may need to withdraw from its Afghan adventure, and this could leave Afghanistan …
President Warns of Afghan Battle
Pressing Allies, President Warns of Afghan Battle - New York Times - even Bush himself acknowledges that the efforts in Afghanistan may come to nothing if the military success of the American presence there is insufficient.Compare the American contribution to Afghanistan of 13,000 troops with the 170,000 Bush wants in Iraq and the scale appears …