Budget, American Style

Bush created a budget balancing act based on increased spending, mainly military, of three trillion dollars. A trillion is 1000 billions, using the American system of dealing with numbers that are simply too big. 1,000,000 is our familiar million. 1,000,000,000 (one billion) is becoming a more commonplace concept of the 21st Century - and already …

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9/11 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns

Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | 9/11 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaignsGeorge Monbiot explains what is wrong with all those conspiracy theories that are convinced the US Government was involved in 9/11 and who pluck convenient "truths" and "proofs" from their own conviction that things must be that way because …

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House rebukes the president on Iraq

A good telling off should put Mr Bush back into line with the rest of the world. He has had too much nodding and the deadly smiles of the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney's rippling grimness. His cabal of approval has been broken. How he has to contend with a Democrat Congress.Mr Bush …

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