Ron Paul is not advocating use of drugs, he is advocating pure choice. How does his model of society treat a victim of crime? These are the margins that would be sacrificed, very progressive, very unkind, very fair, a world where money talks, a world where money shouts, when you are down and out. Foolishly, …
Category: Ron Paul
Ron Paul
The most conservative politician in America is not a Tea Party irrationally motivated soccer mum. It is a rationalist who argued against the Iraq war, who predicted the Global credit meltdown. He also opposes welfare and taxation. In other words he may be the only actual conservative candidate. The others invest in foreign adventurism, inflation …
Ron Paul should lead the Republicans
Economies go both ways. Capital investment carries risk. If you invest properly, you do not overexpose yourself to risk. No 1 rule. Wall Street invested in risk and imported goods and when that faced by inevitable collapse they expected the Government to ameliorate the risk without addressing the effects on consumers?The US Government are forced …