In 2015 Germany opened its borders to a million refugees. Angela Merkel suffered criticism from the Right who disagreed. By 2017, there was a prevalent view that Wir schaffen das would be Merkel’s undoing, a “catastrophic mistake” as Donald Trump said in January that year. “The worst decision a European leader has made in modern times,” Nigel …
Category: Syria
Evil Man
Turkey's invasion of Syria, and threatening to deport 3.6 resident Kurdish citizens to Europe is seriously evil.
Syria Strike
Trump, Macron and May strike targets in Syria and avoid hitting Russian targets. The fog of war instantly rises, the Russians say the majority of missiles were shot down and the Americans say each one hit their targets. If they degrade Bashir al Assad's ability to use chemical weapons, then they have achieved a goal. …
The Trump Doctrine is to lash out and then realise that was not a very good idea. A prime example is his reaction to Syria's use of chemical weapons. He calls the leader of that stricken country an "animal" for killing a number of people with "nerve agents" and Chlorine gas and plans to send …
Question of Airstrikes
David Cameron wants to launch airstrikes over Syria and is going to bring this to a vote in Parliament. It is a "modern decision" - being a political animal, instead of an actual strategy to resolve the pressures that causes human suffering on a massive scale, instead of an actual path that removes Assad from …
Attacking Syria
The latest craze indulged in by Western Governments seems to be dropping bombs on Syria. It is intended to stop Daesh/ISIL from its path of terrorising civilisation but there are so many consequences that can not be sensed from 30,000 feet above. Bombs kill people, destroy lives and property as well as terrorists.
Destroying the Weapons
The Solution The solution is to destroy the weapons. The Syrian opposition groups should recognise the value that the international community taking an interest in a catalogue of atrocities committed in what appears to be a very destructive and beyond horrific experience for the entire civilian population. Assad seems unable to release his iron grip …
Syria and the G20
The world is divided on the response to Syria and the use of chemical weapons there. The Obama administration has done all the right things to launch a punishing response that does not seem an act of aggression, which clearly it is not. But although the moral dimension can be appreciated there are other ways …
Pause and win
How Obama could deal with Syria. Play the long game and make Assad do it. Invasion seems pointless. Everyone appears to be at war with everyone else - want to join in? Get the chemical weapons out of the equation President Obama drew a red line in the sand and to maintain any dignity he …
War talk Iran insist, as they tend to, to make an entirely illogical case that because they send some pilgrims to fight with Assad against revolutionary forces which seem to be getting very out of control by a process of assassination of the head of the army, minister of defence and fighting with weapons that do …