The Iran Revolutionary Guard, the Quds Force, and whatever paramilitary organization that may exist in Iran were all influenced by the assassinated general Soleimani. Some of them directly depended upon his wisdom and strategy which appears to me to be a long game. It would have to be a long game when it is against the largest and most advanced army in the world that is usually more sensitive to public opinion. The Trump effect has essentially stopped the USA from progressing and instead they are arming themselves to the teeth. Trump’s threats are to react with extreme military force, and god help us all if that starts to happen. Because it would make the very out of control government of Iran react.
Iran evidently does not have the command infrastructure in place to prevent their military from accidentally shooting down a plane that had just taken off from Tehran Airport. Or someone panicked and did something stupid after the voice of reason had been silenced. Could it happen again?
Of course, that it could be repeated due to systemic failure of the people who make good decisions now missing and the holes in the knowledge of one of his staff taking on his job before he understood the lines of control of his army.
The narrative that it was one person firing a weapon based on the misunderstandable narrative that the USA going from war footings in the middle east, sending in large numbers of troops to pose as a war leader, they can achieve the same thing by having something done to them to justify breaking every international convention and the dignity of all nations.
And so, Trump intervened and has changed the dynamic of the somewhat covert war with Iran by firing one shot at an organized player on the complex battlefield, to remove their naturally evolved brain of battle with all its programming, religious, social, nationalist and to less degree than previously, racist.
The USA at least places the appearance of racial equality as an absolute necessity even if, as a result of the players in their political arena, there are real and perhaps unintended consequences.
One trouble with Trump is that we believe the racist narrative as fact, we accept that much, so what else does that mean we are accepting due to the inevitable reality of political manipulation of the levers of control as long as we can be seen to be manipulated to have a common opinion we accept the gravity of the result, even if it be false. Even if, as some suppose, that the Tories won that election through some measure of electoral fraud, we would not then sack them as a Government, even in five years, we may not remember it.
It is wise to predict the actions of this Conservative administration, with a long view that can now include the splitting of the Union as a perceived chain around the neck of wealth.
Wealth is their thing, it is not growth. Growth does not just make the very very wealthy even more wealthy. Any growth experienced by Amazon is balanced by contraction of the many thousands of businesses that consequently make less. The budget can only be balanced if Amazon pays a fair tax. Or competes on a level playing field, which would mean no business tax.
Corporate giants erase competition. The High Street is becoming unnecessary. Will it become extinct? Can it survive automatic-delivery and 3D immersion commerce? 3D immersion may only be a perception illusion, but it is strong enough to engage our minds.
What is the essence of reality that we need to gain experience? It is the whole thing, not just the social context, not just the hassle, the sacrifice of self-time and comfort, the having to work.
Real experience is to overcome difficulties. That is what makes us smile. Winning little battles is important. It puts us in control.
Iran has lost its mind. It is now acting like an out of control state enraged with its mistake rather than mourning the passing of one of its real heroes.
By Trump’s own logic, he deserves to be punished for the illegal assassination of a government official, risking a state of war when it would be dangerously inappropriate to the American people.
Or he has murdered an adversary. Which one is worse?
Should the American citizens competing for the right to run against him fear that he may extend his illegal meddling and manipulation of the international relationship between adversarial governments to more excesses than leveraging doubt against the leading contender? Where does the line get drawn for Presidental Privilege?
The trouble with Trump is that he is causing damage to the US and the people who are supporting him often seem to be devoted rather than rational. Perhaps it will suddenly ring home that they did not realize that this reign of King Donald is actually a con, a sham? Did they not look into his literally golden life and realize he is not a Republican? Or a Democrat. He is a perversion of both playing to the advance of his own avarice.
Iran may have backed down because they found out that they do not really have the ability to control their own army during a war. It was a Ukraine flight, but it could have been any flight. Unless it was deliberate.
It is not that Trump knows what he is doing. He is enabling conflict on the world stage. He wants to win an election through ridiculously illegal means. He should be stopped or democracy itself will die and following the successive failures of his daughter, his two sons and his other son and the nation will die along with the Trump dynasty.