Article One of the United States Constitution – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article One of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Bush administration is asking Congress to pass legislation that would grant telephone companies immunity from all prosecution related to their assistance of the intelligence community. The intent is to protect those companies that have assisted the government with its illegal wire-tapping activities. As …

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Democrat analysis

searchgraphGoogle trends provide some insight to the fame of Hilary and Obama with Nancy Polosi as a measure of newsworthiness.Add Al Gore into the comparison.Now for real drama, add Bill Clinton and you see why we think Al Gore is more talked about than any other candidate.


More death in American CollegesBlood spilled from early this morning in what authorities thought wa an isolated domestic incident. It was not. The assassin returned with an automatic weapon and intentionally slaughtered as many innocents as possible. Descriptions of the student as "Asian" could mean it was an issue of Homeland Security.But, it is the …

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