Democracy does not work. Never did.
Democracy is intended to limit power and stop demagoguery. Then populism activated prejudice in the “silent majority” and propaganda promoted ideas that are simply untrue. By gaining democratic agreement with ideas that benefit corporation and the very wealthy, the majority are choosing structural change that does not benefit them because of “immigration” or “woke” or other concepts that mean very little in terms of economic benefit. Levers that motivate people to vote against their own interests.
Money dictates the future. More money enables the promotion of politicians who can be bought to enact policies that are not needed but that can benefit the enablers.
Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily but it defeats democracy. Democracy is non-choice. It is a fake mask that looks like freedom when it is in fact just another form of domination of the the majority by interests that have more at risk, that have resources to influence and structure layers of governance and keep the interests of the masses at bay.
It is not necessarily the wrong path, it just is the inevitable path that is structured into the form of our societies. Power is what matters. Wealth enables power. Without power there is no friction. Without friction there is no heat. Without heat, there is no energy and the society flounders.
The central theme is not left or right wing. The tendency to swing between Capital and Labour are not independent ideas, they are codependent. You can not build capital without work. Work can only be paid for by investment of capital.
Democracy has become a false god in the pantheon of ways to manage large groups of humans: societies. We have to remember that there are central tenets that must exist in every type of management of social groups.
We have to remember to care for the people we love. Think about that when you make democratic choices. At least you will feel better about your vote, even if it makes little difference to the outcome.
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