World in shock

An unsubtle change overtook the world recently.  The president of the USA lost any sign of trust his electorate and the rest of the world had, which was already thin.  

There appears to be a peculiar silence.  The incredulity that followed Trump’s declared love for a dictator who starves his people, the position he has taken on climate instability and the environment, his behaviour regarding the investigation of foreign meddling in their democratic institutions, these were all accepted by his country.  

There is a sense that the swearing in of person who has no real respect for the truth and the way Trump bullied the witnesses who testified before the senate, under oath, and supported his SCOTUS nominee who was lying obviously with a thin investigation worthy of a banana republic.  

The world is in shock that this man should fool everyone for far too much of the time and is now removing any vestige of fair play in American Democracy.  

The world realises that the uncertain future he creates is not in anyone’s interest.  The world has realised what is happening to America.  

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